Vermont Progressive Party


Help Us Be a People-Powered Party!

Statement of Principles:

The purpose of the Progressive Party is to promote economic, social and environmental justice and sustainability through electoral and other democratic political activities, and to become the majority political party, while protecting minority and individual rights and opportunities. Our country, state and localities can reach their highest social and economic aspirations through truly representative democracy. All people have a right to equal participation in society. Democracy requires empowering people not only in government, but also in the workplace, schools and in the overall economy. Society’s wealth should not be concentrated in the hands of a few, and a wealthy minority should not control the conditions under which we live.

Collective organizing is essential for people of low and moderate income to attain economic justice. Everyone is entitled to decent work at a living wage in a safe working environment. We need to create an economy that is sustainable and reverses the destruction of our global environment. The burden of taxes should be shared based on ability to pay.

Basic needs, including housing, food, health care, education and energy should be affordable to all and not the means for private profit.

Directing more resources toward the care and development of children is essential to a health and prosperous society. Our society’s deeply rooted racism and white privilege, whether overt, subtle or institutional, need to be abolished wherever they exist. The prevalence of sexism, both overt and subtle, limits and damages us all. More than merely encouraging women to fully participate, we must affirmatively assure their inclusion in all aspects of economic and civil society. Seniors and people with disabilities should be able to participate fully in society without economic deprivation or social isolation. All people, regardless of sexual orientation, should be able to participate fully in society without interference. We must affirmatively ensure their inclusion in all aspects of society. Our society’s deeply rooted discrimination against low-income people, whether overt, subtle or institutional, needs to be abolished wherever it exists. Consistent with the rights and equality of others, religious and cultural minority groups deserve respect and freedom from governmental interference.

Community members should be fully integrated into decision-making about the economic destinies of their communities. Those who operate a small business or farm, or are self-employed, must be protected from the overreaching power of mega-corporations. Human labor is the key to creation of wealth. We challenge the assumed right to derive vast wealth from ownership or position. No nation should exploit the labor or resources of another nation or people.

Human survival requires the elimination of nuclear weapons and the redirection of military spending to human needs.

Just Food Hub

We are raising awareness in our local communities about real organic and fair-traded food, worker coops, and corporate consolidation in the food system. Our products include high-quality and affordable artisan food like coffee, chocolate, tea, cheese, and hot sauce from cooperative farms in the Global South and small US organic farms.

Just Food Hub’s mission is to offer community groups, like Vermont Progressive Party, a regular fundraiser for their valuable work in our communities. We do this by selling these wonderful foods online and giving the profits to the community group. VPP receives 25% of all purchases when you click Vermont Progressive Party at checkout. We offer free delivery of your purchases in 18 towns including Barre, East Montpelier, Marshfield, Montpelier, and Plainfield and can ship them elsewhere for a $10 charge.

Just Food Hub collaborates with Equal Exchange, a worker coop that develops a noncapitalist people-centered food system that brings food justice and integrity to the US family table. Equal Exchange endorses organic and sustainable farming practices and democratic and worker-owned farming cooperatives throughout the Global South, Palestine, and the United States.

In addition to helping you eat well and building strong local economies and community groups, we are working to address the climate crisis and food insecurity. Join us and be the change you want to see in the world.

Orders of $75 or more will come with a free natural cotton shopping bag.