Rancho de los Proyectos
A small family farm in the Inland Empire of California picked the name Rancho de los Proyectos (Ranch of Projects) because they like to do modern and traditional homesteading activities and are always starting new projects. Erik, Becky, Darwin, and Gabrieila grow the prize-winning ingredients for our hot sauces. They are a homeschooling family that takes great joy in learning and teaching. Their farm is organic, small, and takes great care of their soil and environment. They are scientists, artists, gymnasts, writers, educators, friends, small business owners, and members of our local and global community. They are passionate about food and fiber arts.
The family practices a carbon-neutral lifestyle to leave a better world for the children. Sustainability projects have included solar electricity, energy efficiency and alternative appliances, fuel-efficient cars, making compost from farm & household waste to return fertility to the gardens, and using water efficiently.